Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are alive!

Well few, faithful readers of Charles and We, a lot has happened since I last blogged. During school, blogging was one of my favorite ways to procrastinate studying. However, while I studied for the bar exam, I found myself so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted that I didn't even have the energy to procrastinate. So without further ado, here are are few of the high points of the Houston household's summer and beginning of fall:

1. We passed the bar exam! and when I say we, I mean we as in Kevin and I passed the bar exam. Studying for the bar exam was a character building experience and one that I am oh so grateful never to have to do again. It was also a family affair. I really do not know what I would have done without Kevin's companionship, patience and support. My law degree and law license required just as much blood, sweat and tears from Kevin as they did from me.

2. I am employed! While finishing my career as a professional student has been bitter sweet, I can honestly say I am embracing the new kind of stress that comes from having a job. It sure is nice to not have any exams to study for and to bring home a paycheck after a hard day's work. I am excited to begin my legal career and excited to see what doors may open in the future.

3. Anniversary- Next Monday we will celebrate one year of marriage. I can honestly say it has been a whirlwind year, and I fall more in love with my sweet husband each and everyday. Marriage has taught me a lot about Kevin and a lot about myself. I still find myself waking up most mornings wondering what I did to deserve all I have been blessed with. Our first year of marriage has been wonderful, and I am looking forward to many many more.

We celebrated early with a little trip to the Grand Hotel in Mobile. The weather was wonderful, the food delicious, and the company even better. A little weekend of R and R was much needed, and I'm already ready to go back.

4. Sally- In the midst of finishing the bar exam, waiting on bar results and becoming a full time lawyer, this little squirt fell into our laps

We weren't really actively looking for another dog, but when the opportunity presented itself, we decided it was a good time to get Charles a little sister. I would like to say that the second one is easier, but we had definitely forgotten how exhausting having a puppy is, not to mention the fact that none of the lessons we learned with Charles have been applicable to Sally. We are all adjusting to the new "baby," but I am sure it is just a matter of time until Sally learns her manners and is as polite and well behaved as Chuck is.

Don't let her innocent looks deceive you, she is quite the pistol!

While they may look like best friends, Sally's arrival has been an adjustment process for the entire family, especially big brother Charles.
Sally and Chuck got to spend the weekend with my dad at his hunting camp. I'm not sure my better-half much cared for the new outfits their grandfather so generously picked out for them :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

You might be studying for the bar if

In honor of having only one more week of this "blessing" of an experience, I thought I might reflect on a few of my favorite indicators that one has been studying for the bar exam

1. You have a complete and total come apart when the cable goes out
2. You look at the clock, realize it is 5:00 p.m. and all you have eaten all day is a banana and a pot and a half of coffee
3. You can't really remember when you have worn an article of clothing other than gym shorts and a t-shirt
4. You have spent over $100 on note cards and highlighters
5. You wake up screaming because criminal law questions are playing through your mind
6. You get extremely and unjustifiably agitated when you see a grown woman in the grocery store who has a towel wrapped around her waist
7. You research the possibility of suing the internet service provider for breach of contract and potentially intentional infliction of emotional distress
8. You have an emotional breakdown when the tv goes out on Monday night when you studied all day long so you could take the night off and watch the Bachelorette

Seven. More. Days. I think I can. I think I can

Monday, July 9, 2012

Miscellaney Monday

1. and....Countdown to the Bar Exam...14 days. I think I can, I think I can

2. One- Number of door frames my husband has removed from our master bathroom. Let the Honey Do List Projects commence

3. Bob Goff- I think I was meant to find this book at this time in my life. I was browsing Donald Miller's blog and came across this book. So far he has made me laugh, made me cry, and restored my faith in the legal profession. He has such a refreshing outlook on love, life, and what it means to be a Christian. 

4.  Tasty Treats- This weekend we made our own bruschetta and a cherry limeade bundt cake. Recipes to come, but for now here is a picture and a recipe from Mix and Match Mama

5. Sweet Corgi- Charles was so tired after having Kevin's parents over for dinner and a nice long walk Saturday, he couldn't even make it to his little bed! We won't mention the two vindictive acts he committed this weekend nor the Corgi games he engaged in at bedtime last night.

6. Laundry Detergent- I love the way this detergent smells. Planning to get all our dirty clothes nice and clean, so I can fold them while I'm watching the Bachelorette tonight and not feel like I am completely  wasting two hours of my life.

Happy Monday to all!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

1. Freedom- The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. It was the first holiday Kevin and I shared after we started dating, and it was the first holiday tradition we established as a couple. But as I wait with eager anticipation to go eat dinner in downtown Homewood with my husband and then watch a beautiful display of Fireworks, I can't help but think of how much we owe to the military families who are sacrificing so much so we can enjoy these special pleasures. I am filled with an abundance of thankfulness this year as one of my best friends in the whole world has returned from a tour of duty. I am so proud of her and her drive, ambition, and selfless serving of her country. While I am enjoying celebrating tomorrow, I will remember to be thankful for Kate and all those like her, all those who came before her and all those who will come after who will answer that call. The freedom we have is not one to be taken lightly or for granted and while I am enjoying my holiday traditions, I want to thank those who have allowed each of us to be able to have them.

2. Studying- I am thankful for this opportunity. I am thankful for my education. I am thankful for so many of those who have invested in me along the way. I am thankful for my husband who goes to work everyday and patiently and lovingly comes home to a wife who may or may not have showered today and may or may not have anything in the refrigerator besides a jar of mayonnaise.

3. Hot weather- I'm thankful for this hot weather we are having because even though it may be uncomfortable, this force of mother nature is one we have some control over. I'm thankful for a mild tornado season this year and that even if we can't beat the heat, we can make it a little more bearable with a glass of ice water, a cup of frozen yogurt, or a dip in a swimming pool.

4.  Disagreements- I am thankful for disagreements be them with Kevin, my family or my friends. They say that when you don't care about someone, you won't expend time and energy disagreeing with them. I am thankful for Kevin who has taught me that disagreeing doesn't mean quitting, fighting doesn't mean leaving, arguing doesn't mean walking away and nothing looks quite so bad when the sun comes up in the morning.

5. Bad Corgis- I am thankful for my mischievous little pup. I am thankful for his energy and his playful spirit. I am thankful for his unconditional love. I am thankful to see those two little brown eyes peering out the window, without fail, every time I drive up. I am thankful that he is always excited to see us when we come home, no matter how cranky, grouchy or tired we are or how many days it has been since we took him on his last W*A*L*K. I am thankful for the lesson in tough love we have learned as we worked on training him. Lastly, I am thankful for all the laughter and joy he brings to our lives without even knowing he is doing it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Miscellaney Monday

1. What's new on my Kindle this week

2. What I can finally see as three weeks from today, I will be about the begin the first portion of the Alabama Bar Exam

3. What is making me laugh this morning because it probably has a lot of truth to it
4. What's for Dinner
Lasanga Rolls ala Mix and Match Mama- I am planning to do a post of all the great recipes we have tried out from her blog when things slow down a bit

5. What I am enjoying watching before bed

I love the Olympics. I can still vividly remember the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and going down to Centennial park and then to watch gymnastics with my best friend from North Carolina and my best friend from Alabama who had come into town for the event. If I remember correctly, I was missing a few teeth, wearing white shorts that by the end of the day had a tinge of gray to them, a red and white checkered shirt, and undoubtedly my hair was a tangled mess. I have fond memories of looking up to Shannon Miller, Dominique Dawes, Dominique Mouceanu, and Kerri Strugg. I may or may not have looked them up on Wikipedia to see what they are up to, and I may or may not have followed this new crop on twitter to keep up with their Olympic journeys.

6.  What I think I will adopt as my life motto

Live Your Dash

Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Pick Me Up

Because I've been watching bar review lectures for 5 hours this morning (praise the Lord we will be leaving for Montgomery three weeks from today), I needed a little pick me up and nothing picks me up better than a funny Corgi

And our own funny Corgi who brightens our each and every day enjoying a Sunday Funday!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Funnies

And here are a few funnies that I have come across regarding SCOTUS upholding the ACA. Disclaimer: none of these funnies embrace my particular political opinion but rather are an attempt to poke fun at irresponsible journalism and uninformed partisan politics.

*taken from http://www.buzzfeed.com

Friday's Letters

1. Dear Husband- I know I say this all the time, but I still can't say it enough. Thank you so much for supporting me this summer and heck all the time. You really are such a blessing to me and a source of strength, joy, laughter and companionship. I don't know what I would do without you.

2. Dear Dixie- While Chuck enjoyed having a companion for a few days, I know we are all glad your mom has finally returned. P.S. You bark too much. 
3. Dear Bar Exam- I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am much anticipating our meeting on July 23, but not quite as much as I am anticipating hopefully telling you goodbye once and for all. 

4. Dear AMC- Thank you for making such intriguing TV shows with such complex characters. We are absolutely loving Mad Men this summer. I think we will need some quality time with season 2 this weekend. 
5. Dear Mix and Match Mama- I am loving your blog and how simple and delicious all your recipes are. Looking forward to trying out some new ones this weekend and can't wait to make my first bundt cake. 

6. Dear Facebook Friends-Confucius said "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." While I know many of us have strong opinions about the SCOTUS decision yesterday, I am going to withhold publicizing mine until I have had time to read the opinion and attempt to understand what the decision really means. Uninformed, partisan rants are one of my pet peeves. Can you tell me why you think the law is unconstitutional or why you think passage of this law will be the downfall or saving grace of the United States of America? I doubt most people who are using Facebook as a platform for mouthing off can. I can respect many different opinions but make your opinions based on facts as opposed to a blind following of one political party or the other.   Here is one of my favorite sources for Supreme Court information: 

I'll leave you with an objective statement of what the ACA will allegedly do as well as a quote from Chief Justice John Roberts: 

From Scotusblog's live blogging of the decision yesterday: In Plain English: The Affordable Care Act, including its individual mandate that virtually all Americans buy health insurance, is constitutional. There were not five votes to uphold it on the ground that Congress could use its power to regulate commerce between the states to require everyone to buy health insurance. However, five Justices agreed that the penalty that someone must pay if he refuses to buy insurance is a kind of tax that Congress can impose using its taxing power. That is all that matters. Because the mandate survives, the Court did not need to decide what other parts of the statute were constitutional, except for a provision that required states to comply with new eligibility requirements for Medicaid or risk losing their funding. On that question, the Court held that the provision is constitutional as long as states would only lose new funds if they didn't comply with the new requirements, rather than all of their funding.

and from the Chief Justice:

"Members of this Court are vested with the authority to 
interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor
the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions 
are entrusted to our Nation’s elected leaders, who can be 
thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is 
not our job to protect the people from the consequences of
their political choices."

Happy Weekend from the Houston home!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A few words on insecurity

In recent weeks, I have come to some personal self-realizations that weigh heavy on my heart and because I think many people probably share in these struggles, I thought I would share them here. At one point or another, I think everyone experiences that sneaky little monsters known as insecurity and self doubt. I think insecurity creeps up when we are at our weakest points and makes us question who we really are and what our worth really is. Insecurity can take many forms, which while they are constant companions, none will prove to be faithful friends. I think for many women, the little monster presents itself in relationships because for whatever reason you don't quite think you are deserving or good enough for your partner. For young professionals, insecurity can show up in a job situation because you don't feel smart enough or qualified enough to do your job or insecurity makes you doubt yourself when you don't immediately find your dream job. As the recipient of many rejection letters during my job search, I can attest to the fact that it is hard to wonder what you did wrong or why you weren't good enough for the job you wanted.

I will be the first one to admit that during high school, college and beyond, insecurity was an unwelcome third wheel in many of my relationships. I will also be the first one to admit that this type insecurity caused me to act in a way that I am not proud of. Insecurity caused me to self destruct and not trust people because I had doubts within myself. However, as someone who has walked down this road, I can tell you that insecurity has no place in a relationship. In my experience, insecurity in a relationship stems from one of two places (1) self doubt or (2) not trusting the person you are with.  If you are in a relationship where you find yourself not trusting your significant other or fighting the green eyed monster, I would encourage you to ask yourself (1) what inside you makes you think you are not deserving of love or (2) should you really be with that person to begin with.

Trust is a beautiful thing. I find such freedom and contentment in trusting Kevin completely. The trust we share has allowed me to conquer my struggles with insecurity, and our lives are both been better for it. I think this realization came from finally being able to see that no one is perfect. I am not perfect. I mess up many times each and every day. But having confidence in yourself does not require perfection, making mistakes does not mean you are undeserving of love. Having confidence in yourself happens when you realize that you have something to bring to the party. Having confidence in yourself allows you to look insecurity in the face and say while I may have messed up in this situation, I am going to learn from my mistakes. I am going to do better next time. My mistakes do not define me, but instead give me an opportunity to grow. I am not scared of making mistakes but will embrace the opportunity to be a better person.

If you are struggling with insecurity in your life today, I want to encourage you. Appreciate who you are as a person. Embrace your strengths and learn from your weaknesses. Never be too proud to admit you were wrong. And know that before you can unconditionally love someone else, you must first love yourself. You must believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, this will allow you to trust others. When you believe in yourself and others disappoint you (which they will because we are all human and all disappoint each other at one point of another), you will overcome the disappointment because your self worth is not dependent on someone else's actions. You will be graced with the ability to forgive and the ability to move on. All of this to say, when you love yourself, you believe you are deserving of love, you allow yourself to trust others and while insecurity may knock on your door, you will never have to let it back in. I know they say hindsight is 20/20 and often times we have to learn the hard lessons on our own, but I hope my journey with insecurity may be able to make someone else's journey just a little bit easier.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A day in the life

Since one of my main reasons for starting this blog was to keep a record of the goings on in our daily lives, I thought I would dedicate this post to what a day in my life while studying for the bar is like. So here goes:

1. Get up around 7:30 when Kevin gets up to get ready for work. Stumble down the stairs still half asleep. Let Charles out. Put coffee in the coffee pot, and if it's a good day remember to actually turn it on.

2. Put on a pair of Nike shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Throw hair in a pony tail. Make an executive decision about whether I want to wear contacts or glasses.

3. Migrate into the office. Check my e-mail and blogger (for those of you whose blogs I read, you are the highlight of my morning so please keep blogging!).

4. Open the Barbri interactive paced program to find out what I need to get done for the day. Be thankful that I am taking Barbri because I don't think I would know where to begin if I didn't.

5. Contemplate ways to kill the neighbors dog that barks all day every day.

7. Spend the morning watching a bar review lecture. These usually last between 3 and 4 hours.

8. Lunch. Wander downstairs, water my plants and grab a Greek Yogurt and a green tea because for some crazy reason I thought now would be a good time to crack down on my coke zero addiction.

9. Spend the afternoon doing whatever assignments I have for the day.

10. 2:00- go turn the air conditioner to 68 because it's hot upstairs and I have ingested approximately a whole pot of coffee at this point.

11. Crack and drive to the gas station to get a Coke Zero because we don't keep them in the house anymore.

12. 5:30- realize Kevin will be home soon. Go downstairs and attempt to throw together a meal that has some resemblance to dinner since I haven't been to the store in over a week.

13. Go for walk even though the heat index in Alabama is over 100 degrees right now in an attempt to burn off excess energy and ensure I will be able to sleep.

14. Read the 100+ page outline for the next days lecture.

15. Watch an episode of Mad Men on NetFlix with Kevin.

16. Go to bed. Thank God every night for my supportive husband who provides for me and has blessed me with this summer to focus on my studies, my wonderful dog who is such a good companion during the long study days, and for this opportunity, but pray every night that this opportunity will be a once in a lifetime one.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We're Still Here

We are still here, fully submersed in work and bar study and counting down the days until our beach vacation that will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m. on July 25, 2012. So instead of writing my own post today, I thought I would share some poignantly written answers to questions I am getting quite frequently these days

1. What are my plans for graduation and beyond?


2. What am I doing all summer while I'm waiting to take the bar (besides sitting on the couch eating bon bons and watching trash TV of course)?


A lot of truth to these two articles. Still blessed by the opportunity and trying to take the experience one day at a time which is not to say that some days I don't collapse onto the bed feeling like this

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

1. Studying at home- this week my Barbri lectures were prerecorded so I have been studying at home. I have to admit it is nice to just roll out of bed, throw my hair in a pony tail, and hop on over to our office to study. I am halfway through week three of full time bar studying, and while it is a brain drain, I am thankful for the structure of following the Barbri study plan. There is light at the end of the tunnel! And an added benefit of studying at home is this guy is my study buddy

2. Defending Jacob- As crazy as it sounds with all the reading and studying I am having to do, I enjoy nothing more than unwinding at night with a non law related book and a glass of chilled white wine. I just finished Defending Jacob and it kept me on my toes the whole time.
3. Hatfields and McCoys- Kevin and I just realized we can watch this mini-series on-demand, and I can't wait to see if we like it
4. Summer nights- I am loving everything that comes with summer nights, dinners on the patio, long walks after Sunset with my sweet husband and sweet pup and the fact that we are getting to spend one of our summer nights this weekend seeing

in Atlanta with our friends Wes and Jill. He was so good in Birmingham in February that we are very excited to see him again! I think we are well on our way to becoming official parrot heads.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday. The way I look at it, once you get past Wednesday, you are free sailing. Thursday is my favorite day of the week because it means Friday is just around the corner.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Station

Hello blogosphere- I have not disappeared, but am adjusting to the rigors of studying for the bar from 8-5 errr 6 or 7 every day. I will reappear as soon as I feel less overwhelmed or lose some of the focus (thank goodness it showed up!) So I will leave you with a poem they read to us on the first day of our Bar Review course that I found especially poignant. Here is to enjoying this journey and not just trying to get to the "station." Becoming a lawyer and this opportunity is something I "get" to do. I am privileged and honored for my education and this opportunity and may I remember that I "got" to go to law school, I "get" to take the bar exam, I "will get" (God willing) to be a lawyer, I don't "have to " do any of this this.

The Station
Robert J. Hastings

"Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there our dreams will come true, and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering - waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.

"When we reach the station, that will be it!" we cry.
"when I'm 18"
"when I buy a new 450sl Mercedes-Benz!"
"when I put the last kid through college"
"when I have paid off the mortgage!"
"when I get a promotion."
"when I reach the age of retirement,I shall live happily ever after!"

Sooner or later we realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us. "Relish the moment" is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24: "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.

So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summer nights

Enjoying the first of many wonderful summer nights!

We are happy to report Charles successfully chewed out whatever was in his foot before we showed up for our vet visit and $$$$ later he has had enough sedatives and painkillers to tranquilize an elephant yet for some reason is still wide awake and making himself right at home on the new patio furniture.