Monday, October 24, 2011

And We're Back!

Well, we took a bit of a break from the blogging world for a major event in the life of the Houston family:

Kevin and I got married on October 15, 2011. While things did not go quite as planned, we still had a wonderful day surrounded by our family and friends. Our wedding story had a happy ending and our lives together a perfect new beginning. Following a relaxing honeymoon in New England, we have returned home to begin the newlywed phase of our lives.
Not to worry, Charles kept very busy during the wedding and honeymoon weeks. During the actual wedding weekend, Charles got to reunite with Maggie at her house. While we instructed Charles not to leave any surprises, a little bird told us he left one in Makenzie's room. Sorry, Makenzie. Kevin, Charles and I then spent Sunday night at home before we left for the honeymoon. Needless to say, I think the wedding weekend wore all of us out!
While we were vacationing in Boston, Stowe, Vermont and Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, Charles was having a little vacation of his own with his Aunt Molly. I don't think either one of them is any worse for the wear and by the time we got home I think they had bonded quite a bit (even if Molly won't admit it)

While we had a great time on the honeymoon, we are very glad to be home. Charles is looking forward to Halloween and has borrowed both a t-shirt and a cape from his cousin Minnie the Beagle. Here is one last picture that I think accurately depicts how the whole Houston family felt after the first Monday back on the grind