Monday, July 2, 2012

Miscellaney Monday

1. What's new on my Kindle this week

2. What I can finally see as three weeks from today, I will be about the begin the first portion of the Alabama Bar Exam

3. What is making me laugh this morning because it probably has a lot of truth to it
4. What's for Dinner
Lasanga Rolls ala Mix and Match Mama- I am planning to do a post of all the great recipes we have tried out from her blog when things slow down a bit

5. What I am enjoying watching before bed

I love the Olympics. I can still vividly remember the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and going down to Centennial park and then to watch gymnastics with my best friend from North Carolina and my best friend from Alabama who had come into town for the event. If I remember correctly, I was missing a few teeth, wearing white shorts that by the end of the day had a tinge of gray to them, a red and white checkered shirt, and undoubtedly my hair was a tangled mess. I have fond memories of looking up to Shannon Miller, Dominique Dawes, Dominique Mouceanu, and Kerri Strugg. I may or may not have looked them up on Wikipedia to see what they are up to, and I may or may not have followed this new crop on twitter to keep up with their Olympic journeys.

6.  What I think I will adopt as my life motto

Live Your Dash

Happy Monday!

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