Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are alive!

Well few, faithful readers of Charles and We, a lot has happened since I last blogged. During school, blogging was one of my favorite ways to procrastinate studying. However, while I studied for the bar exam, I found myself so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted that I didn't even have the energy to procrastinate. So without further ado, here are are few of the high points of the Houston household's summer and beginning of fall:

1. We passed the bar exam! and when I say we, I mean we as in Kevin and I passed the bar exam. Studying for the bar exam was a character building experience and one that I am oh so grateful never to have to do again. It was also a family affair. I really do not know what I would have done without Kevin's companionship, patience and support. My law degree and law license required just as much blood, sweat and tears from Kevin as they did from me.

2. I am employed! While finishing my career as a professional student has been bitter sweet, I can honestly say I am embracing the new kind of stress that comes from having a job. It sure is nice to not have any exams to study for and to bring home a paycheck after a hard day's work. I am excited to begin my legal career and excited to see what doors may open in the future.

3. Anniversary- Next Monday we will celebrate one year of marriage. I can honestly say it has been a whirlwind year, and I fall more in love with my sweet husband each and everyday. Marriage has taught me a lot about Kevin and a lot about myself. I still find myself waking up most mornings wondering what I did to deserve all I have been blessed with. Our first year of marriage has been wonderful, and I am looking forward to many many more.

We celebrated early with a little trip to the Grand Hotel in Mobile. The weather was wonderful, the food delicious, and the company even better. A little weekend of R and R was much needed, and I'm already ready to go back.

4. Sally- In the midst of finishing the bar exam, waiting on bar results and becoming a full time lawyer, this little squirt fell into our laps

We weren't really actively looking for another dog, but when the opportunity presented itself, we decided it was a good time to get Charles a little sister. I would like to say that the second one is easier, but we had definitely forgotten how exhausting having a puppy is, not to mention the fact that none of the lessons we learned with Charles have been applicable to Sally. We are all adjusting to the new "baby," but I am sure it is just a matter of time until Sally learns her manners and is as polite and well behaved as Chuck is.

Don't let her innocent looks deceive you, she is quite the pistol!

While they may look like best friends, Sally's arrival has been an adjustment process for the entire family, especially big brother Charles.
Sally and Chuck got to spend the weekend with my dad at his hunting camp. I'm not sure my better-half much cared for the new outfits their grandfather so generously picked out for them :)

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