Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things I Learned in College

I'm sad to say my habit of procrastination when I should be studying is a habit I have now, I had in college and I probably had in high school (if only I could remember back that far).  When I was getting ready to graduate from college, I was feeling especially sentimental and nostalgic. You know the drill, soaking up every last moment with friends who are about to move home, forcing yourself out of bed for one last class with your favorite professor (Oh wait- only slightly OCD type A personalities like myself do that) and listening to Greenday's "Time of Your Life" on repeat. I hate to say it but I am not having similar sentiments as I get ready to graduate from law school. I think something in me finally just snapped, and after 20 years of being a full time student (including every summer but one for the past seven years), I think I am just DONE. Maybe one day in the near future, I will be able to articulate some sentimental thoughts about law school as I do feel like I have learned a lot and made some really special friends, but since I am unable to do that right now, I thought I would share a post I wrote upon college graduation. I think for the most part it still rings true today, however, I am glad I learned some of the lessons sooner rather than later.

Its late…Its exam week…I can’t sleep…Go figure…here goes nothing:
Things I have learned about myself throughout my college experience:
1. If you try to dye dark brown hair at home, it will most likely end up orange and take approximately 2 years to return to its natural state
2. If you go to the tanning bed for 20 minutes a day, everyday for two weeks, your skin will turn the color of your home dyed orange hair
3. I have a pretty steady relationship with caffeine
4. I clench my jaw subconsciously when I’m tired
5. I have my most profound thoughts late in the night or when I’m working towards a deadline
6. I would rather study for 12 hours while goofing off with friends than for 6 by myself. Misery loves company. Hard work is more fun when surrounded by other people doing hard work.
7. A little public speaking anxiety never hurt anyone, in many cases it can help.
8. Embarrassment is overrated. Better to laugh and get a good story out of it.
9. I am rather disorganized when it comes to my bedroom
10. Taking life one day at a time makes it seem more manageable.
11. I love to learn
12. I am a true political moderate
13. I love Washington, DC
14. I love to travel
15. Always save papers intermittently while you are typing them lest you delete the most brilliant thing you have ever written at 6:00 a.m. the day before it is due.
16. Time heals. Forgiveness heals more.
17. Never judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.
18. Learn from those who are older and wiser than you are.
19. But, sometimes you have to learn things the hard way, on your own.
20. Change your major at least one time; its character building.
21. Don’t be afraid of people with different beliefs. Be open to growth and change.
22. Make time for the people who are important to you, you never know when time will run out.
23. Don’t take yourself too seriously, but take yourself seriously enough to do your best at everything you do.
24. I love people. I want to spend my life helping people.
25. My family means more to me than I will ever be able to express.
26. 12 minutes from home can be as far away or as close as you need it to be. Home is still home even when you are in a unfamiliar place with new faces and experiences.
27. Sometimes you can be as proud of a C as you are an A+
28. Its okay to fail. Just make sure you learn from your failure.
29. You can be okay in any situation where you make a conscious choice to be okay.
30. Miles don’t matter in true friendships.
31. Random acts of kindness can change your whole outlook on life.
32. Endorphins make you happy.
33. Its okay not to be engaged when you graduate from college, contrary to popular belief
34. Listening can go along way when people are struggling.
35.  I spend too much time on facebook and aim, guilty pleasure.
36. The work will get done if you want it to. It always does.
37. A good nap can solve a lot of problems.
38. So can a good conversation with an unbiased friend who isn’t afraid to tell you that you are being ridiculous
39. If you leave your emergency flashers on for eight hours, your car battery will definetely die.
40. Crying can be therapeutic
41. Always have access to a spare key.
42. There are often times more than one right answer.
43. If you eat cookies and french fries everyday of your freshman year, you will gain the freshman 15.
44. Find a major you love. Form relationships with the faculty. Allow your education to feed your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
45. Don’t download active x controllers on tv watching websites unless you want your computer to be overtaken by virtual beetles.
46. The things you are most afraid of are often the most worthwhile. 
47. You can probably handle more than you think you can; socially, emotionally, physically and academically
48. Life sucks sometimes.
49. Getting a bread tie stuck in the dishwasher will break the dishwasher.
50. Driving through a car wash with your antenna up may cause it to disappear.
51. Parking down hill when you are low on gas never ends nicely.
52. You can’t switch flights if you have checked your luggage. Taxi rides to airports are extremely expensive.
53. A 6 a.m. aerobics class does not enhance productivity.
54.. You don’t have to know what you want to be when you grow up when you graduate college. I’m still in the process.

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