Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Funday

So every once and a while, Kevin and I will decide to forego going to our traditional church service at our friendly neighborhood, Methodist church, sleep in a little, try out a new breakfast recipe, and listen to one of Pastor Jim's sermons on the trusty old computer (We don't think God minds!). This morning was one of those mornings so I was cruising Pintrest for a recipe to try and we came across this (and by we I mean Kevin found this recipe and I am so glad he did):

Banana and Nutella stuffed French Toast. I have just discovered Nutella, and I will say I am impressed. My epicurean husband has apparently known about it for years (But let's be honest, this is the man who just came inside and set to me, "For future reference, Pelligrino is not to be refrigerated but stored at room temperature over ice"), but it is a new delight for my tastebuds. This recipe was very easy and turned out great. The batter cooked nicely, and it was quick and easy to make. It will go in our recipe arsenal for next time. I think it would work for any kind of french toast for those who aren't a fan of bananas and/or Nutella.

Here are a few pictures from our experiment:

Breakfast this morning was much more successful than the Great Potato Disaster. Hope all of you are enjoying a Sunday Funday of your own!

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