Monday, April 9, 2012

An Ode to Housewives

Let me begin by saying, I am not really a housewife. For the next month, I am still a full time student working two part time jobs. Then for the two months following graduation, I will be a frazzled almost lawyer studying 24/7 with hopes of passing the bar exam in July. However, I think because I am taking 13 hours and working two jobs while trying to be a good wife and raise our "fur baby," I can take a moment to lament about how hard it is to be a housewife.

Before I married Kevin, I lived in my parent's house, a series of dorm rooms, and three sub par apartments that I was happy to call my own. So needless to say, not a whole lot of thought went into cooking and cleaning. I found small success in cooking a casserole once a week and having clean clothes to wear.

Now that I am married, I have a strong desire to keep a clean house, cook nutritious meals, pay lots of attention to Charles and Kevin, and do little things around the house that make our house seem like a home. Prior to getting married, crafting and decorating for holidays were not in my vocabulary. I will give a shout out to pinterest for making both of these tasks a little bit easier for a newbie.

I will just come out and say it. It is extremely HARD to come home after an 8:00 to 5:00 day and feel like cooking dinner, washing clothes or vacuuming up what seems to be pounds and pounds of what we affectionately refer to as "Chuck Funk" off every hard surface, high and low, in our sweet little Townhouse. I don't think I ever really appreciated the amount of time and effort my mom put into our "home" growing up. Dishes, laundry, dusting, windexing, sweeping, mopping, and all the various other household chores take time and energy. Making a house a home is something my mother did, and did well, with three small children clinging to her legs, and always a handful of furry friends wreaking havoc as well.

Becoming a housewife is definitely a challenge for me, but it is a challenge I'm willing to take on. I will proudly say with the help of e-mealz, I with the help of my wonderful husband, managed to cook a healthy dinner at least 4 nights a week. Now, our bedroom may be a disaster area and the laundry bin may be overflowing down the stairs, but cooking dinner at home during the week is a baby step for us (Don't give me too much credit- Friday and Saturday are still out to eat nights for us!). My project for the next couple months is to get on some type of cleaning schedule to at least keep out house "organized chaos" instead of "tornado just blew through" chaos.

So there you have it, my lament about how hard it is to be a housewife. But instead of a lament, I think I'll call it more of an ode to the housewives who I have had the opportunity to watch make a house a home, my mom, my mother in law, various aunts and friends. May I one day as adept at being a wife as each of you are! Thank you for setting the example. Now I think a month's worth of laundry is calling my name.

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