Sunday, December 4, 2011

Charles's Favorite Things

I'm not a huge Oprah fan but I think she used to do a Favorite Things show every year around Christmas. This post will be dedicated to a few of Charles's Favorite Things as well as a few of our favorite things that help keep Charles out of our hair! This post could probably also be titled, "Things We Wish We'd Known Before We Got a Puppy."

5. Rawhide bones- Charles can chew on a raw hide bone for hours. If you have a puppy or are thinking about getting a puppy, you should probably take stock in rawhide. I only wish we had realized this months ago before Charles feasted on shoes, rugs, window sills, couches and coffee tables. Oh well, we live and we learn!

4. Stuffed animals- Charles loves a good stuffed animal. The only problem with stuffed animals and puppies is if the animal is not durable, the puppy can easily destroy it making a mess of the house. Charles destroyed a Build a Bear while I was at school one day, and our house looked like a white Christmas by  the time I got home. Our favorite stuffed animals for Charles right now are made by Kong and are pretty durable. He actually has this exact toy but his is not in such good shape. Charles's monkey has been "loved"

3. Snuggling- Charles loves to pile up on the couch or the bed and take a good nap. I like to think its good preparation for having a baby one day because he will lay in my arms and snore ever so softly. Let's just hope the garbage truck doesn't make a drive by or anyone has to sneeze- these two things are sure to awaken Charles from his slumber.

2. Taking walks- We hang Charles's leash on the coat rack by the front door. When its time to talk a walk, we ask him, "Charles, where's your leash"? His ears immediately perk up, and he runs over to where his leash is. There are lots of other dogs in neighborhood that Charles likes to visit with on his walks, and we enjoy taking walks to help us stay in shape. Walks also help Charles get rid of some extra energy and ensure a good nights sleep for all. After dinner walks are one of my favorite things to do with Kevin and Charles.

And Charles's number 1 favorite thing is.....................

1. Cape Cod Potato Chips- I know this may sound strange but Charles LOVES potato chips. He can be napping upstairs and hear someone rattling a chip bag and come dashing down the stairs to beg for a snack. Really Charles likes any chips, but I like to kid Kevin that Cape Cods are his favorite. We tossed around the idea of giving him a bowl full on his birthday but decided that might not be a good idea after he had a little bout with colitis. For now, Charles will have to live with stealing an occasional one or two when we are enjoying Cape Cods as a snack.
What are some of your favorite things this holiday season?

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